
We offer a range of different types of services, including language access workshops for various audiences and assistance in the development of language access policies and procedures. For additional information about any of these services, please contact Rachel Showstack at Our services can be supported through grant funding or offered for a fee. 

Policy Assistance 

Assistance with development of language access policies and procedures 

For Administrators at healthcare institutions

We can work with you to develop language access policies and procedures for your institution to ensure that you are in compliance with federal regulations. 


Legal Framework for Healthcare Language Access in the U.S.  

For Healthcare administrators, health professionals, and policy makers 

A presentation on federal & state regulations for language access and how healthcare institutions can create policies and procedures for providing equitable care to patients with non-English language preference. 

Su derecho a servicios profesionales de interpretación médica 

Your Right to Professional Medical Interpreting Services 

For Kansans who prefer to receive healthcare services in Spanish or an Indigenous language

Spanish-language presentation (with possibility of Indigenous language interpreters). Addresses basics legal framework for healthcare language access, why professional interpreters are important, how to request interpreting services, and how to collaborate with an interpreter

Comprenda la información de salud pública 

Understanding Public Health Information 

For Kansans who prefer to receive healthcare information in Spanish 

Participants examine access to public health information in Spanish and English and discuss their role in supporting their family and community, as well as how public health information can have a broader impact on their relatives and communities. This workshop includes a presentation by a local healthcare leader. 

  • What Constitutes Good Health Information 
  • Challenges in Accessing Healthcare 
  • Approaches to Seeking Healthcare  

Mejoremos la atención médica para los pacientes hispanohablantes- 

Improving health care for Spanish-Speaking Patients  

For Kansans who speak Spanish or another minoritized language 

This is an event that is focused on listening to individuals who prefer Spanish or a Mesoamerican Indigenous language to facilitate discussion and gather information about barriers to healthcare for minoritized language speakers in their communities. For this workshop, we ideally partner with a local health clinic to provide Spanish-language information about local healthcare services and current public health information. 

Academic Presentations

For Undergraduate and graduate students, professors, community health workers, and community leaders.

Dr. Showstack offers academic presentations tailored to specific audiences to share Alce su Voz’s methods and approaches and explore current themes and in language access, health equity for multilingual communities, and community-based learning.